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My Time at Portia Ack Stuck After Made Whole Again

Fixing Ack is a principal mission.

This mission is part of the Ack plotline.

  1. The Crashed Station
  2. Fixing Ack
    1. Place the Flowers
    2. The Solitary Robot
    3. Made Whole Once more
    4. Finding Happiness


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Acquit of the mission
    • 2.ane Talk with Ack
    • two.2 Give Ack a Bottle of Milk
    • two.3 Repair Ack's Leg
      • two.3.1 Broom
      • 2.3.two Mop
      • 2.3.three Plunger
    • 2.4 Repairing Ack's Caput
      • 2.four.1 H2o Bucket
      • 2.4.2 Flower Pot
      • 2.iv.three Cooking Pot
    • two.5 Talk with Gale
  • 3 Mail service-conduct
  • 4 Rewards
  • 5 Trivia
    • 5.1 NPC comments near the crashed station
    • 5.2 NPC comments later on the mission
    • 5.3 NPC comments about Ack

Overview [ ]

The player must have completed The Crashed Station.

Conduct of the mission [ ]

The mission starts immediately after the cutscene during The Crashed Station mission. Gale asks the player to fix Ack'southward caput and leg.

Talk with Ack [ ]

Ack.png Life is hard, then you die... hallelujah, hallelujah...

Linda.png Marco.png

Uhm, Mr. Ack, do y'all desire me to fix upward your leg and head wounds?
Ack.png What's the point... oh my love Lara, hallelujah...

Linda.png Marco.png

(Mr. Ack seems down, mayhap a glass of milk will cheer him upwardly.)

Requite Ack a Bottle of Milk [ ]

One bottle of Milk is required to go along with the mission. Milk tin be purchased at Sophie's Ranch or won in the Roping minigame.

Ack feels better after the player brings him some milk:

Ack.png Oh the nectar of life!
Ack.png Jiminy Cricket! This is some good milk!

Linda.png Marco.png

You seem to be feeling better now.
Ack.png I am, cheers.

Linda.png Marco.png

At present allow me see if I tin can detect something to supersede your leg.

Repair Ack'southward Leg [ ]

Every particular used to repair Ack's leg can exist constitute within the Civil Corps building.

Broom [ ]

The first item the player tries is the Broom. Information technology is located nearly the Training Dummy.

Linda.png Marco.png

Let's give this a try.

The Broom does not work due to its instability.

Linda.png Marco.png

Nope, that's not gonna piece of work.

Mop [ ]

The second item the actor tries is the Mop. It is located by the dining area.

Linda.png Marco.png

Let's give this a try.

The Mop besides does not piece of work due to it being slippery.

Linda.png Marco.png

Nope, non going to work.

Plunger [ ]

The final item is the Plunger. It is located near the boxes above Ack'due south cell.

Linda.png Marco.png

Let's give this a try.

The Plunger proves to be strong and sturdy, pleasing Ack.

Ack.png Hot diggity!

Linda.png Marco.png

Uh... that means?
Ack.png Perfect!

Linda.png Marco.png

Now virtually your head.

Repairing Ack's Head [ ]

Every item used to repair Ack's caput can as well be constitute within the Civil Corps edifice.

Water Bucket [ ]

The first item the player uses to repair Ack's head is the Water Bucket. It is located near the dining area where the Mop was.

Linda.png Marco.png

Allow'due south give this a try.

The Water Bucket'south handle obstructs Ack'south mouth and does non work.

Ack.png Ack! Ack!

Linda.png Marco.png

Oh no!

Flower Pot [ ]

The second item the player uses to repair Ack's caput is the Flower Pot. It is located on ane of the boxes to a higher place Ack's cell where the thespian picked upwardly the Plunger before.

Linda.png Marco.png

Let's give this a try.

The Flower Pot blocks Ack's view and does not piece of work.

Linda.png Marco.png


Cooking Pot [ ]

The terminal detail is the Cooking Pot. It is located in the dining room beneath the stairs to Remington's room.

Linda.png Marco.png

Permit's give this a try.

The Cooking Pot fits perfectly on Ack.

Ack.png Well shoot a monkey to the moon, this is swell!

Linda.png Marco.png

Glad you like information technology.
Ack.png Thanks for all the help. Now I stay and await my fate... hallelujah, hallelujah...

Talk with Gale [ ]

The actor needs to report to Gale to consummate the mission:

Gale.png Oh great! Thank you. Mr. Ack certainly has an interesting personality, don't y'all think?

Linda.png Marco.png

Accept y'all decided what will happen to him?
Gale.png Not yet, nosotros're still deliberating on the possibilities. A decision is coming soon. I'll send it through the mail and so everyone will hear information technology. The Church and the Research Centre are really going at it.

Linda.png Marco.png

What do you think?
Gale.png As my wife used to say, everyone deserves a chance.

Mail service-carry [ ]

The next morning afterwards completing the mission the player will receive a letter from the Civil Corps notifying them an update to the Relic Scanner is available and a letter from Albert inviting them to talk about ane of the Museum commissions.

Several days after completing the mission the player will receive a letter inviting them to the fireside coming together introducing Mint and the road to Sandrock project.

Another fireside coming together introducing Ack to the townspeople volition be held afterward. Ack will exist freed and move into Happy Apartments. The histrion will be able to start his mission The Solitary Robot.

Rewards [ ]

Exp.png Experience +500
Gols.png Gols +200
Gale.png Gale: Relationship +20

Trivia [ ]

  • The player gets to keep every item they collect in the Civil Corps building except the Plunger and the Cooking Pot. These items tin can be sold for Gols or gifted after the mission.

[ ]

Some characters have unique lines while this mission and The Crashed Station are active:

Aadit.png I was on my morning walk when I saw that object crash down. I hope no one was hurt by information technology.
Alice.png That crash was scary, I idea we were nether attack by Duvos again until Sam told me it was all correct.
Antoine.png That crash really scared me! I thought we were doomed!
Carol.png I hope the Ceremonious Corps have any it is nether control.
Django.png The whole town'south talking nearly it. I wonder what the Civil Corps constitute over at that place in the Collapsed Wasteland.
Dawa.png I don't know what information technology is, but if information technology'south the Duvos regular army, I'm going to give 'em a piece of my heed.
Emily.png Weren't you scared? I've read too many books virtually the Day of Cataclysm to not be afraid when that thing crashed down.
Erwa.png I'thou trying to get more sources on that crashed objected, but it seems like the Ceremonious Corps accept sealed that area off.
Gale.png I don't have too much to say almost the crashed space station for at present. I'll brand an annunciation at a fireside meeting.
Ginger.png The thing that crashed down, what could it be? Were there people in it?
Higgins.png I don't accept time to be awed by whatever crashed over in the wastelands. I accept commissions to exercise!
Isaac.png Oh it's nothing to worry near. It's probably merely some space junk left over from hundreds of years ago. Just be glad it didn't directly hitting our boondocks.
Jack.png We're not nether assail, are we? Practise nosotros accept to move again?
Lee.png It was said during the 24-hour interval of Cataclysm, thousands of metal bombs crashed down to earth only like that object that crashed into the Collapsed Wasteland. I hope for our sake that it's not the aforementioned affair happening again.
Lucy.png I've been fielding questions from my students since that object came crashing down. I don't actually have a skillful answer right now.
Mars.png I hope we're not nether attack or something. The Civil Corps aren't proverb much.
Martha.png I'k keeping a close eye on Toby and then he doesn't sneak off into the Collapsed Wasteland right now.
McDonald.png What in the doodles was that thing? I had to spend all day calming downwards my animals.
Mei.png This is a major scoop! I've got to cover it first hand, but the Civil Corps won't let me into the wasteland.
Merlin.png If it'southward a infinite station that crashed over there, I think we tin get some good Data Discs from it.
Molly.png What was that thing?
Nora.png I hope whatever crashed in the ruins isn't something dangerous.
Oaks.png Papa Deport told me not to become check out the crash area, so I guess I won't.
Paulie.png I don't care what the Civil Corps say, I'm going to stock up a bit to make sure I'm not caught apartment-footed! Duvos will never grab me off-guard!
Petra.png It must take been an old infinite station or something. Without regular maintanence, its orbit would have decayed over the concluding several hundred years.
Phyllis.png I was worried someone might take been hurt from that crash, simply they oasis't brought anyone over to the clinic nonetheless.
Polly.png Petra told me it must oasis't an onetime space station or satellite that crashed. I want to see it!
Presley.png Whatever it was that crashed, I'g just glad it didn't crash into town.
Qiwa.png I was out angling when that thing crashed downward. Information technology looked similar a bright comet!
Russo.png Everyone needs to stay calm. Being frightened doesn't solve anything.
Sanwa.png Do you call up that crashed object is the metal bomb that Minister Lee talked about before? Y'all know, the ones that appeared during the Twenty-four hour period of Calamity?
Sonia.png I was scared out of wits by that loud crash! I hope no one was hurt.
Toby.png Did you see that affair that crashed into the Collapsed Wasteland?! I heard it's an UFO!
Wuwa.png I was out on a boat when this thing came crashing down. What do you think it is?
Xu.png I oasis't heard anything near what that things was. Do y'all know?

[ ]

Some characters accept unique lines afterward the mission is completed:

Aadit.png I wonder what this AI fella is like. He'southward in an all new surround iii hundred years removed from his era. He must be going insane inside.
Albert.png Everyone's talking about there being a living AI in that crashed space station. Have y'all seen information technology yet?
Alice.png We've seen some living AI living in Lucien, they were prissy plenty.
Antoine.png And then the crashed object turned out to be a space station! And then people really did alive up in space back then!
Arlo.png I'1000 keeping an close centre on this Ack robot. If he does anything funny, I'll have to disable him somehow.
Carol.png What exactly is an living AI? I've never seen one. Are they similar the robots in the ruins?
Dawa.png I'1000 not agape of any AI, Wuwa told me they're very friendly.
Django.png I heard a rumor that this living AI they captured is a cook? Ahaha, that's interesting!
Emily.png Did you see this living robot yet? I heard from Sam he was really very dainty.
Erwa.png We don't get stories like this too oftentimes, fifty-fifty the Atara home office has asked to write a detailed report.
Gale.png I'm saddened that Mr. Ack's companions have all passed away without his knowledge. It's a sad story no matter which mode you slice it.
Ginger.png What was Ack similar? Was he friendly? I want to encounter him someday.
Gust.png A talking robot huh? I accept seen some living AIs during my time in Atara. They can be quite entertaining.
Jack.png I saw the Civil Corps have the robot to their headquarters! It was xanthous and it was hopping on one foot.
Lee.png I think Gale is going to let the robot to stay in our town. I know how he feels about it. I don't fault him for his good intentions, but it really might endanger u.s.a. all. We don't know what that yellowish robot could practice. You agree with me, correct?
Lucy.png I had to explain to my pupils what a living AI is. I think the researchers at the Research Middle would have washed a meliorate job. In fact, we should go visit with Petra and the Director, since they're correct adjacent door.
Mars.png Well, I'm glad at least it wasn't an attack. Still, a living AI? I promise it's not dangerous!
Mei.png Wow! So a living AI that slept for 300 years fell to Portia in a crashed infinite station! I couldn't have written a better commodity even if I tried!
Merlin.png You know, I never liked anything about Vega v. But now I remember ane of their rules was to e'er respect a living AI like a sentient being. I've never given that too much thought before, but they're right. Living AIs were the most beautiful things our ancestors created in the Age of Corruption.
Nora.png Minister Lee told me that the Civil Corps captured a living AI! I accept seen some in Atara, but never upwards close.
Oaks.png What is a living AI? I take heard that term existence used a lot lately.
Paulie.png Neat, so it turned out to exist a false alarm. Now I'm stuck with a lot of stored food. Not manly at all!
Petra.png Despite the rarity of a living AI, there's non too much information nosotros can gleam from them. They were very specialized in what they do, and nosotros don't know how their microchip sets work.
Polly.png I heard from Arlo they caught a living AI and it'due south at the Civil Corps building right now!
Remington.png I have see a lot of things in my life...but I have never seen a space station crash down from space.
Sam.png Nosotros went through that space station over again. Most of it is burnt up. I don't recall Director Merlin will notice anything useful in at that place.
Sanwa.png Yous know, when nosotros were children, Grandma would tell us if we don't go to sleep, living AIs would carry us off. Now nosotros have one living in our city.
Sonia.png Are living AIs, like, dangerous? Shouldn't we get rid of information technology right away?
Sophie.png Oh dear, what is this talk about some living AI?
Toby.png I heard a behemothic robot came out of the spaceship and had a big fight with the Civil Corps. Is that true?!
Wuwa.png I have seen living AIs in Vega five before. Friendly fellas if you ask me. I hope this AI that crashed in the infinite station will be the same.
Xu.png I had a look at Ack when I went to give him a cheque out...he'south metal through and through, and then in that location's non much I can do, haha.

[ ]

Some characters have unique lines subsequently the fireside meeting about Ack'southward inflow:

Albert.png That Mr. Ack seemed like a stand up admirer to me. I'm with the Mayor on this ane.
Carol.png I sure promise the Mayor knows what he'southward doing. I don't have annihilation against the robot, but I'd feel better if he wasn't in this city.
Django.png Haha! I wonder what type of dishes Ack can melt up. I desire to try dishes from the Age of Corruption!
Dolly.png That robot was then rusted and sometime!
Isaac.png What an interesting AI. I wonder if he can tell me stories from his era.
Mars.png What if that Ack robot goes crazy and attacks my girls? I have heard that happened somewhere before!
Martha.png I get where the Mayor'due south coming from, but do we actually need to continue a robot in our boondocks? Nosotros have children about! I hope I'grand just worried over nothing.
Nora.png I think the Mayor is right to requite Ack a gamble. He looked...sad, even though I know living AIs don't have emotions.
Polly.png I hope people here can treat Ack similar a normal being. He'southward probably very alone correct at present.
Russo.png Many people seem to be against letting Ack stay in Portia. Afterall, his kind participated in the finish of the earth during the Day of Cataclysm.
Sonia.png I idea a living AI would be really scary, simply that yellowish robot didn't seem all that frightening at all. In fact, I felt that he was scared of us!
Toby.png Ack is and then cool! I hope he can exist my friend!


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